This Year I Will
Hear Better!

Enjoy Clarity.

This Year I Will
Hear Better!

Enjoy Clarity.

This Year I Will
Hear Better!

Enjoy Clarity.

Happy Family
No referral Required
No referral Required

Your ears

Healthy ears are critical to enjoying life fully. Let us listen, to your concerns, evaluate your ears and your hearing and answer your questions in simple terms
Test and consultation
Immediate results
Instant recommendations
No obligations
Registered Health Professionals
Local and accessible

Hearing Aids
Free trial in a few easy steps

Contact Us

STEP 1Contact us

Call us or book online your test and consultation. No referral required!
See us

STEP 2See Us

We will do a comprehensive evaluation of your ears and hearing, based on your needs and concerns.

STEP 3Understand

We will immediately explain the findings to you in simple terms.
We Listen

STEP 4We Listen

We will make recommendations and listen to your preferences, to plan an intervention based on your wishes
You Try

STEP 5You try

If you wish, you can borrow hearing aids and devices to try at home, free of charge
You Chosse

STEP 6You choose

If you are satisfied with your trial, we guide you through the purchase and access to funding
We Follow Up

STEP 7We follow-up

We provide regular follow up care for your ears and hearing aids, at no charge to ensure ongoing success

Hearing Aids
Free trial in a few easy steps

Contact Us

STEP 1Contact us

Call us or book online your test and consultation. No referral required!
See us

STEP 2See Us

We will do a comprehensive évaluation of your ears and hearing, based on your needs and concerns.

STEP 3Understand

We will immediately explain the findings to you in simple terms.
We Listen

STEP 4We Listen

We will make recommendations and listen to your preferences, to plan an intervention based on your wishes
You Try

STEP 5You try

If you wish, you can borrow hearing aids and devices to try at home, free of charge
You Chosse

STEP 6You choose

If you are satisfied with your trial, we guide you through the purchase and access to funding
We Follow Up

STEP 7We follow-up

We provide regular follow up care for your ears and hearing aids, at no charge to ensure ongoing success

Hearing aid

As an independent clinic, we can provide all styles and brands of hearing aids. Your needs are unique and we would like to discuss your options with you.

If you already have hearing aids, we welcome you to our clinic and can take over the care and adjustment of your hearing aids.

Here, you
will find...

Professional with the highest qualifications who still take the time to know you and to listen to what YOU want. We will go the extra mile to ensure your satisfaction because in the end, that is why we enjoy the field of Audiology!

Our audiologists

Here, you
will find...

Professional with the highest qualifications who still take the time to know you and to listen to what YOU want. We will go the extra mile to ensure your satisfaction because in the end, that is why we enjoy the field of Audiology!

Our audiologists

Take the
Virtual Tour

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We have two locations to serve you!


Leaflet | Attribution text


Leaflet | Attribution text

All Rights Reserved ©2022 Annik Hearing Solutions

All Rights Reserved ©2022 Annik Hearing Solutions
