Getting a good supply of milk from your dairy cows is easy if you follow the right steps on breeding, feeding and milking. These tips will set you up for success.
29 juillet 2015
Getting a good supply of milk from your dairy cows is easy if you follow the right steps on breeding, feeding and milking. These tips will set you up for success.
A cow must freshen, or bear a calf, in order to produce milk. You can breed Heifers or young females when they are as young as 10 months old, but it is best to wait until they are 18 months old or weigh at least 200 to 250 kilograms, depending on breed.
Carrying a calf while producing 12 or more litres of milk a day is a tremendous drain on a cow's system. Keep these additional tips in mind when caring for your cow during its pregnancy:
Begin milking as soon as the calf is removed from its mother. Cleanliness is essential so keep the milking area free from dirt and sanitize all milking utensils. Pay attention to the cow too. Clip long hairs near its udder and brush the cow daily to remove dirt. Take note of the following tips:
To get the best milk from your cow you need to time milk production carefully around its pregnancy and care meticulously for the mother and calf. If you keep these tips in mind, you will have happy, healthy cows and delicious milk.
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