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Everything you need to know about college and university scholarships

6 novembre 2014

College and university can increase an individual's income and open a variety of career opportunities, but it can be expensive. You can reduce or eliminate the cost by applying for the right scholarships.

Everything you need to know about college and university scholarships

Academic scholarships

One of the most common type of scholarships for students is the academic scholarship.

  • These are given to students based on academic performance.
  • You could get your entire tuition, including books, paid for if you do well enough in school.
  • To apply for these scholarships, contact the colleges or universities you are interested in attending to find out their individual requirements.

Some schools will allow you to qualify for a partial scholarship initially and increase your scholarship as your GPA rises.

Use a scholarship website

Many businesses and private organizations offer scholarships, and thousands more are available through websites.

  • Look for websites that allow you to access scholarship information for free. You'll have to register your email address and other personal information, but you can usually apply to the scholarships directly from these third-party sites or they will link you to the company offering the scholarship.
  • Apply for as many scholarships as you qualify for. Plan your time wisely so that you can write any essays and complete other requirements.
  • The more applications you fill out, the better chances you have to win one.

Speciality scholarships

There are many scholarships available for specific individuals.

  • These may be offered through individual universities, church organizations, companies or communities.
  • There are scholarships available for single parents, non-traditional students, veterans, minorities and refugees.
  • Additionally, you may qualify for economic hardship–based scholarships.
  • Spend time researching the financial aid department of the school you're interested in attending and use the Internet to search for scholarships targeted toward specific groups.

Applying for scholarships

When you apply for a scholarship, you will need to provide personal information such as your name, age, current school, college or university you have been or will be attending and a personal essay.

  • If you plan to apply for several scholarships, you may wish to compose a generic cover letter and resume that can be quickly tailored to specific applications.
  • In addition, make sure you have a list of references available. You may be asked to supply letters of recommendation.

The cost of post-secondary education

Don't let post-secondary education pass you by because you are afraid you can't afford it. Start applying for scholarships early and you could save thousands of dollars or even attend free of cost.

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