There's more to watering a garden than occasionally splashing the hose around. Here are 11 tips to ensure you're watering your garden in a way that gives plants what they need without wasting water.
30 juin 2015
There's more to watering a garden than occasionally splashing the hose around. Here are 11 tips to ensure you're watering your garden in a way that gives plants what they need without wasting water.
Sprinkler systems are a labour-saving marvel. They can also be water-saving if used correctly. But there's more to using a sprinkler system than simply setting a timer and forgetting about it. It's also important to adjust your practices to weather, soil and plant conditions. Here are 11 ways to help you water more efficiently.
It's important to check whether your watering system is saturating the ground to the depth of the roots. Deeper watering means it's not simply evaporating off the surface and it's reaching where it needs to be.
To avoid evaporation, water only in the early morning or late in the afternoon when it's cool. However, if it's especially hot in the middle of the day, break this rule and give your plants some extra relief.
If watering by hand, water the soil, not the foliage, so the water reaches the roots.
Allow the soil to dry out between waterings, but don't leave it for so long that plants become water stressed. Dry soil sucks up water more effectively than if it's waterlogged.
Give plants extra help during periods of drought and heat. Stress on the plants can severely hinder their growth or ability to produce lush foliage and flowers.
If you have an automatic system, run it during the night.
The water that collects in it heats up and can burn foliage. On really hot days the scalding water could potentially burn your skin, too.
Regularly check and clean all irrigation heads and filters to ensure the water is flowing correctly. Otherwise, you're simply wasting water and affecting its ability to properly water your property.
If you live in an area with cold winters, the water in hoses and irrigation systems can freeze overnight. This is a problem if your water system is set to automatically come on early in the morning.
If you are using water to avoid frost damage to plants – especially those susceptible to colder temperatures – set the timer so the system comes on several times during the night.
Don't forget to check and fix dripping taps.
By adopting these smart watering strategies, you can enjoy a garden full of greenery while contributing to water conservation efforts.
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